During November, Rouba and Maher went to the Touristic Information Centre in Râmnicu Vâlcea and laid out a plan for the work of the week and discussed the touristic and historical places in the area.
We participated in a walk on Capela Hill and we saw the oldest rock and the history behind it. After that, we were at Arhiepiscopia Râmnicului Church. We talked with the priest about some religious matters.
Then, we were in Ocolul Silvic Calimanesti, where the head-engineer shared information about the forest areas and the number of trees they planted, and we saw the trees that were newly planted. Then we visited the Cozia Church which overlooks the oldest river and in the evening, we attended a music event at Filarmonica `Ion Dumitrescu` Rm. Valcea.
On the next day, we went to the single one store in Romania where they grow-up silk worms, where the traditional Romanian clothes are sewed from silkworm threads. Then we went to Mănăstirea Hurezi Church and saw many monuments, including the tomb of Constantin Brâncoveanu. Before these we had a meeting at Ocolul Silvic Romani.
On 8 dec we were in Centrul National de Informare si promovare Turistica Valcea.They were so collaborate with us and gave a lot of information about Valcea county’s areas and about the most beautiful places to visit like calimaneşti town and Buila-Vânturarita national park.