Apart from organizing activities in Cozia and Buila-Vânturariţa National Parks, we have also organized some ecologizing activities in town. The last one took place at the foot of Capela Hill. With the help of our activity coordinator, Mihai, and the collaboration of Piețe Prest, we managed to clean the part of the hill located next to Strada Castanilor. We headed to this part of the city in the morning and organized ourselves to collect as much litter as possible. We found big amounts of plastics, clothes but mostly bottles and cans. It didn’t take us long to fill up ten big bags, leaving the place looking much better than how we found it. After finishing the activity, we realized how important is to raise awareness among people. All the litter we found was likely thrown away by locals when gathering together to drink or eat. Cleaning places like this one is part of our volunteering work and we are completely fine about doing it. However, one of the main goals of our project is to make people aware about these kind of