Our ecotourism Project didn’t slow down in September. We kept combining office work with on field research. After listing every place we could find online (with information from maps, blogs and official websites), we hit the road and visited local communities to take pictures, talk to locals and find new places that cannot be found online.
We started our fieldwork in Brezoi community. There we visited every town; from Păscoaia to Proieni. We found really interesting places for accommodation, hiking and also a bike lane running along the Lotru river. After finishing with Brezoi community we started with Călimănești. We visited some water springs and monasteries there before getting deeper into Cozia, as we also visited Sălătrucel, from where the view of Cozia massif is magnificent.
Apart from the on-field research, we are also regularly meeting in the office to put together all the information gathered and plan the coming steps of our research. We intend to finish in Cozia before moving further with Buila – Vânturariţa National Park.