In October, we kept working on our Ecotourism Research. This time, we went to all the communities and towns within the National Park. We began our journey in Costeşti. Then, respectively, Bărbăteşti, Stoeneşti, Păuşeşti, Băile Olăneşti city and Horezu city.
During our research, we worked on hiking trails, touristic and historical attractions in these areas, monasteries and churches, local shops and accommodation places. Buila NP is very rich in these features. The Park itself historically has big importance, especially with the strong defence stories during the communist era. It includes important and ancient monasteries and churches which are very significant for Romanian people.
The following history of these places gravitates around the many monasteries in the area: Bistriţa Monastery, Arnota Monastery, Hurezi Monastery, Sărăcineşti Monastery, Pahomie Hermitage, Pătrunsa Hermitage, Păpuşa Hermitage, 44 Springs Hermitage, Peri Hermitage, Iezer Hermitage, Bradu Hermitage, Jgheaburi Hermitage, Frăsinei Hermitage.
Tradition, customs and handicrafts of the area are in close connection with the locals’ main occupations of shepherding, woodcraft and stone craft, fruit-growing and apiculture.
The zone is well-known for its pottery tradition (Horezu pottery), traditional carpets from Oltenia, woodworks, carpentry, traditional clothing and shepherding traditions, traditional dishes and drinks: fruit, plum brandy (ţuică), cheese, honey and other products deriving.